Been some time since my last post and a lot has happened since then..
●I pushed hard on my bagpiping and made it up to Grade 3 solo! What an honor!
●I moved down to Arizona! Yes, it gets hotter than heck but so beautiful! Monsoon season is my favorite! (I like a little excitment.) 😉
P.s. if you haven't experienced one you need to Google 'Arizona Monsoons'!
●Met a wonderful man and got married!
●Not only that but my two sisters and I all got married within 3 months! Yeah, sorry Mom and Dad! 😥
●My husband and I were able to attend an epic event. The second largest ever gathering of people to listen to the prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the Cardinal's stadium! That was a crowd and a half, let me tell you!
●Worked for a year now in the string repair department at the awesome, and very large, Milano Music on main in Mesa. Was a great experience and made good friends. 😀
●And now we finaly get to today! *phew!
Teaching music full time in Mesa and now in Phoenix too!
For more info on lessons click on my lessons tab up top ⬆️!
Good to be back again after all the excitment and would live to hear from you!
Feel free to comment below!
-Erin (Patterson) Woolf 😊